Dear Orchard Family, Were you able to pray for the Church and your role in it this week? I did this morning at 7:30am and hope you were also able to. I am praying for wisdom, discernment and direction for every one that calls Orchard their home.
Also, Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Friday Feb 9th we are having several meetings as followup to last Sunday's State of the Church Message.
The San Jose and Cupertino home groups are meeting as scheduled, but the Saratinovale and Fremont home groups, plus anyone else interested, are meeting in the Church Sanctuary at 7:30pm to receive feedback, answer questions and review the Pastor Job Description.
Hope that everyone can attend one of these sessions tomorrow. If not, please see someone on either the Elder or Church Board or Transition Team so we can connect with you at another time soon. We really do want to hear from you.
Hope God is blessing your day.